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Black Isle Men's Shed

LInks to sites of interest to the members of the Black Isle Mens shed in AvochThe Links Page

On this page are listed a number of sites which we think may be of interest.

Please use the Enquiries Page if you know of any other websites which could be added to the list.

A. Our Sponsors

A list of organisations who have been instrumental in supporting us in a variety of ways and who have enabled us to make the Black Isle Men's Shed a reality.

Asda Foundation/Royal Voluntary Service

Avoch Sea Scouts

Caley Timber Independent Building Supplies

Caring and Sharing Highland

G H Johnston Building Consultants Ltd

Highland Council Discretionary Fund

Inverness Loch Ness Rotary Club

Norbord Europe

Pasquill Roof Trusses

The Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation

Tulloch Homes Fortrose

B. Local Organisations

Avoch and Killen Community Council

Black Isle Partnership : Created to further the interests of residents and businesses of the Black Isle.

Fortrose and Rosemarkie Community Council

Killearnan and Knockbain Church of Scotland

Knockbain Community Council

C. Men's Shed Sites

Cromarty Firth Men’s Shed

Beauly Men's Shed

Inverness Men's Shed

Merkinch Men's Shed

Scottish Men's Shed Association

Information Sites : A comprehensive list of activities suitable for older folk in the area.

Highland Repair Directory : A clickable map of companies able to undertake repairs to a variety of items.
